
The Port Terminal Del Guazú S.A. it is located in the Province of Entre Ríos, Villa Paranacito, head of the Department of Islas del Ibicuy, on the coasts of the Paraná Guazú River.
Port Terminal Del Guazú S.A. It is located on the left bank of the Paraná Guazú River at the height of Km 178. Because of its volume, self-dredging capacity and natural depth suitable for overseas ships, it is considered among the main waterways, together with the Mississippi, Nile and Volga.
Terminal Del Guazú S.A., will have a good range of cargo transfer services. A connection of the average gauge of the Mesopotamic Railway that goes to Paraguay, Brazil and Uruguay, with the wide gauge of the New Central Argentine that joins the center and north of the Country at 30km from the Terminal, and no more than 42km from the General Belgrano Loads arriving to Bolivia.
- Wide road access
- Direct link with routes No. 12 and 14
- The Port is not located on an urban helmet.
LAT 33° 54´ 03,3´´ S
LONG 058° 53´ 07,5´´ W